Accessible Housing Program, Housing, Housing Programs|

braille and people conversing sign language

The Los Angeles Housing Department(LAHD) is committed to providing access to all of its programs, services, and activities for persons with sensory issues.  In order to better serve the community, LAHD is conducting a survey to learn the challenges and to provide additional services and aids that would be most helpful to persons with hearing and vision disabilities.

Auxiliary Aides and Services

Property owners and managers must ensure that communicating with applicants and tenants who have disabilities is as effective as communicating with people who don’t have disabilities.  This is referred to as “Effective Communications”.  Management must offer auxiliary aides and services, upon request, at no cost to the applicant or tenant, in a reasonable amount of time to fulfill their obligation to provide Effective Communications.  Tenants/Applicants may request specific communication aids and services at any by any method: orally, text message or written note, phone, or using an optional request form for Reasonable Accommodations and/or for Auxiliary Aids.

Examples of Auxiliary Aids & Services

Vision Disabilities
    • Qualified reader
    • Large print and Braille documents
    • Electronic documents for use with computer screen-reading program
    • Audio recording of printed information
    • Hearing Assistance Devices
    • Speech Assistance Devices (Relay Services)
    • Tactile Interpreter
Hearing Disabilities
    • Qualified note taker
    • Qualified sign language interpreter
    • Hearing assistance devices
    • Telecommunications Relay Services
    • Tactile Interpreter
Speech Disabilities
    • Qualified speech-to-speech translator
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